From some distant inspiration we happen to have lots of Thai ingredients gathering dust in our cupboards. Fearing their expiration Renate and Fredrik through together the most fabulous Seafood Soup. First they sauteed Carrots, Peppers, Onion, Mushrooms and Ginger in Butter and Canola Oil. They marinated Tilapia and Shrimp in Hoisin Sauce, Fish Sauce, Lemongrass and Chili Peppers. Then they combined everything together with Green Curry Paste, Tom Yum Paste, Lemon Juice, Sweet Chili Sauce and Glass Noodles in Water and Coconut Milk. After simmering for 15 minutes everything was done cooking and ready to serve. It was better than any soup I've had in any Thai restaurant anywhere.
the bomb! i'm going in...